Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dip Ag

Thought I might as well get serious about this farming lark so have enrolled in a Diploma of Agriculture at Tocal Ag College.  This will be a major step in moving on to a Bachelor of Agriculture with the University of New England. 

This will eventually tick an item off my bucket list - a Uni Degree.  Something I have harboured a desire to complete since I left school in 1977 to join the work force

The secondary driver behind this is simply the desire to know that we are doing the right things on the property and not just relying on other people.

For example. just before Christmas we had the 38ha front paddock sprayed for weeds.  Our agronomist assessed the quantity and types of chemicals we required for the different types of weeds and then our spray contractor did the rest.  

Whilst it's difficult to manage from a distance it would have been nice to have had a deeper understanding of just what weeds were growing and which chemicals were used on which weeds.

Still, won't be too long before we are up there and doing it all first hand. 

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